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Common Questions

Do you offer group lessons?

We focus mainly on 1-to-1 private swimming lessons. However, on a case by case basis, we do offer group classes for related individuals at a maximum capacity of 2 people. This is subject to evaluation by our coaches to see if the skill level for each individual is suited for a group class.

What should I expect for the trial lesson?

Our trial lesson is a short but fun 15-minutes evaluation for our coaches to better understand your goals, current skill level in swimming and to craft up a personalised plan for you. Just bring your water bottle and our coaches will settle the rest of the equipment.

What if my Child is afraid of water?

Rest assured, our experienced coaches will be there to ease your child into swimming. Classes for children who fear water will usually start with water safety and instruction on how to enter and exit the pool. Then, depending on how confident the child is, our Coaches will start slow by introducing water over their head. This will be done in combination with dry land exercises, such as kicking, to help them move more efficiently once they are more confident to enter the pool.

What is a good age for kids to start swimming?

We recommend starting once your kid turns 4. At 4 years of age, children tend to have a stronger mastery of body movements and possess higher psychomotor skills. They also would have a better understanding for instructions. Regardless, if you feel that your child is ready to attend class, we would provide a complimentary evaluation to assess if your child is suitable to start private lessons at Emerge Swim.

So you do not take kids under the age of 3?

For kids under the age of 3, we provide Parent and Play classes. These classes are shorter in duration and consist of accompanied swims with the parent. Our coaches will be teaching you how to coach your child basic swim skills that are relevant to their age. You can read more about our Parent and Play classes here.

How many times a week should my Kid/ I be swimming?

To see results, regular training of 2 to 3 classes a week is recommended. Many of our clients have stuck to this regime and have seen great improvements in both strength and stamina. This consistency will also provide fresh muscle memory for both child and adults

I am just looking to swim regularly, without a performance goal.

That's great! Not everyone strives to be an athlete. We do provide regular private swimming lessons for clients to get that 45 minutes of workout in. Simply contact us and we can get started on planning something for you!

Do you offer other forms of Personal Training?

At this point in time, we are only focused on providing Personal Training for swimming. Do check back for updates in the future.

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